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Summit Home Health & Hospice is an innovative early adopter of mobile messaging and communications platforms. After struggling to find a workable and HIPAA secure application, they discovered Buzz, Skyscape’s secure medical messaging platform. Summit has used the application to vastly improve communications and workflows, to measurably reduce readmissions, and to improve quality of care.
This case study provides essential insights into the real world potential of mobile and cloud-based platforms in care settings as well as lessons for their successful adoption.
Everyone should be using something like this. It really has changed how we operate on a day-to-day basis.”
Josh Simpson, Vice President of Clinical Operations Summit Home Health & Hospice
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Permitted if licensed and in good standing, and on state registry. Registry good for 90 days (extendable in 30 day increments) or until the public health emergency is over. Scheduled to expire 12/28/20
Permitted if licensed in the US and in good standing. Currently scheduled to expire 12/10/20.
Permitted until the end of KS PHE. Currently scheduled to expire 1/26/21.
Permitted until the end of KY PHE.
Permitted. Currently scheduled to expire 1/25/21.
Temporary Emergency Application
LSBME Telemedicine Permits
LDH Guidance
Telehealth Guidance
Permitted for the duration of the state emergency if licensed in the US and in good standing. Some licensure requirements apply. Currently scheduled to expire 12/23/20.
Permitted for the duration of the state emergency if licensed in the US and in good standing. Some licensure requirements apply. Currently scheduled to expire 12/25/20.
No longer permitted for out-of-state practitioners.
Permitted during emergency situations as per 147.032. Currently scheduled to expire 12/14/20
Press Release 1
Governor Press Release
EO 1
EO 2
Permitted for those out-of-state physicians currently holding an emergency license until 1/31/21.
Supplemental Proclamation
Amended Proclamation
Telemedicine Form
The end of Texas’s state emergency, was previously scheduled for 12/6/20. Specific licensing requirements can be found here.
Permitted with a permit until the end of the emergency. Also permitted if the provider has an existing relationship with the patient.
Board of Medicine Guidance |
DEA-registered practitioners may issue prescriptions for controlled substances only under certain conditions.
“[Alaska Statutes] do not apply to a health care provider who is providing treatment; rendering a diagnosis; or prescribing, dispensing, or administering a prescription, excluding a controlled substance … through an audio-visual, real-time, two-way interactive communication system, without first conducting an in-person physical examination, if (1) the health care provider is licensed, permitted, or certified to provide health care
services in another jurisdiction and is in good standing in the jurisdiction.”
Alaska State of Emergency currently scheduled to expire December 16, 2020.
Emergency Statement
Telehealth Guidelines
Click here for resource access.
Permitted with temporary license (good for 90 days or until emergency declaration is declared over).
Arizona Medical Board Guidance
EO 1
EO 2
Permitted for those with active unrestricted licenses in other states until the end of the emergency.
Permitted. Currently scheduled to expire 12/13/20.
Permitted for duration of emergency, currently scheduled to expire 12/13/20, with pending rule changes to permit telemedicine to Idaho residents from out-of-state providers permanently.
Board Proclamation
Governor Proclamation 1
Governor Proclamation 2
Governor Proclamation 3
Permitted with Medical Board Emergency Practice Permits good for 90 days.
Permitted for those out-of-state physicians currently holding an emergency license until 1/31/21.
Permitted for mental health professionals with active licenses in good standing in a US jurisdiction. Telehealth privileges for other health professionals have been rescinded.
EO 1 suspends licensure requirements for “telemedicine providers,” enrolled in Medicaid or in network for commercial plans. Providers must be endorsed by the Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH).
Currently set to expire 3/15/21
Permitted until the end of the state of emergency.
Permitted until the end of the state of emergency, currently scheduled for 12/11/20.
Permitted until 90 days after the end of the state of emergency, currently scheduled for 12/22/20 (i.e. 3/11/21).
Permitted until the end of the state emergency.
Permitted until 30 days after the end of the state emergency.
Permitted. Currently scheduled to expire 1/1/21.
Permitted until rescinded by governor. Currently scheduled for 12/11/20. |
Permitted until the end of the emergency.
Permitted for the duration of the public health emergency, or until a superseding order from the governor or Dept. of Health Services.
Permitted with a telemedicine license until the end of state emergency. Some limitations apply. Currently scheduled to expire 1/2/21.
Permitted. Currently set to expire 12/28/20.
Permitted with EMS authority for the duration of the state emergency.
Permitted for physicians practicing in bordering states [Texas, Oklahoma,
Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana] who hold active and unrestricted
medical licenses in their state. *Only for telemedicine with previously established Arkansas patients.
Licensed, in-state physicians may establish new relationships with patients via telehealth.
Temporary licenses are good for 60 days. Emergency set to expire 12/12/20.
Telehealth Guidelines
EO 1
EO 2
Emergency license application
Permitted for physicians licensed in their home state until the end of the state emergency, currently scheduled 2/22/21.
Permitted until the end of the state of emergency, currently scheduled for 12/31/20.
Permitted for those with licenses active in other states until the end of the state of emergency, currently scheduled for 12/30/20.
Permitted, currently set to expire 12/29/20.
Permitted with existing patients until 12/31/20. Out-of-state physicians can not engage in telemedicine with new patients outside of healthcare facilities.
Out-of-State Telehealth Status
Permitted until 30 days after the state of emergency ceases. New applications are no longer accepted as of 7/10/20.
No Longer Permitted without permanent licensure.
“All temporary emergency licensees that wish to continue practicing in Alabama after Nov. 17 should apply now for permanent licensure through the Board (typically 2-3 months) or the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (within 30 days).
It is anticipated that licenses should be issued within 48 hours of receipt of application.”
Emergency Statement
Telemedicine Guidance
Emergency Declaration expiry 1/31/21
Permitted until the end of the state of emergency. Currently scheduled for 12/17/20.
Permitted until 3/31/21. Applications are expedited and free. Practitioners can apply as “emergency” or “deemed.”