

Buzz the ultimate Communication resource


This account of a typical diabetes patient demonstrates the power of the patient-centric workflows that are enabled by Skyscape’s Buzz, a comprehensive communication and collaboration (CC&C) platform.

Case Study


Patient-Centered Workflow

Effective Patient Engagement with Buzz

Odell Sullivan was shocked when he was diagnosed with diabetes at just 44. With the help of a great team consisting of his primary care physician, endocrinologist, nutritionist, and lifestyle coach, along with the groundbreaking collaborative platform Buzz, he was able to effectively manage his disease.

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“Over 30 million Americans have diabetes,” said Dr. Lin. “More than one in ten.” Odell was shocked. He always considered himself healthy. He hadn’t been to a hospital in years, didn’t smoke, and was only in his mid-40s. His father was diagnosed with type 2, but not until he was well into his 60s, and at least 70 lbs heavier than Odell was now.

“The good news is that we’ve got some great partners over at the Wanek Endocrine and Diabetes Center.” Odell thought of his father. At first, his condition was manageable, but year after year, problems like bone fractures, vision issues, and neuropathy seemed to mount. He was rushed to the ER in diabetic comas twice. Odell thought of his 15 year old daughter Maya, and how he wanted to see her go to college, get married, start a family and a career. He felt a sinking feeling in his gut as he imagined deteriorating. “Does that mean I need to take insulin?” Dr. Lin seemed to sense his worry. “Not necessarily. I’ve had patients get their blood sugar levels back under control without medication. It’s a chronic disease, meaning you’ll have to manage it for life, but it’s also very possible to control. I’ll refer you to Dr. Christine Muller at Wanek. She’ll likely want to put you through some more tests.”

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We invite you to review this scenario on how an endocrinology patient-centric workflow can be managed effectively using the Buzz platform and provide a higher level of quality care.

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